Dear Family,
This transfer went really well. My new companion is Elder Alba from Salt Lake. We are going to get a lot accomplished as we serve together, and I am excited for what I will be able to learn from him. I've been showing him how to drive a stick. You guys laughed at me for not knowing how, and now I'm the teacher! He picked it up very quickly.
This week, I watched the missionaries who were returning home make one final phone call to their younger companions they trained. They shared advice from an "almost" return missionary to a young Jedi in training. There were tears as they expressed their love for them and the time they spent together. It's hard to say goodbye to these great missionaries, but we are excited pick up the new ones from the MTC.
E. Alba and I often have a strange schedule, so we have to be creative. We continue to find new ways to share the gospel wherever we are, and whatever mission project or assignment we're working on. The members are making a great effort to help all the missionaries with missionary work. The local leaders have seen the value in reading and following the handbook of instructions. My heart goes out to the members in Ghana for their continued effort to learn and work to follow Church standards. It is hard to leave behind traditions, but sometimes must be done.
I feel I am really growing in many different aspects of life and am learning many different lessons about myself. Within a world of hatred and satan-led minds, I'm grateful for the Savior's influence in our lives. I am grateful for challenges and yet I am more grateful for the way we allow Jesus to mend our problems.
Mom and Dad, I love you both! My mission has truly helped me feel that love for you and our family. Chris has always been an example of giving everyone the benefit of the doubt, Tyler has always helped me to look at every situation how the Savior would look at it, Chandler has helped me learn how I can accomplish anything if I work hard enough and always put my trust in my Heavenly Father and pray to Him. Amanda, has taught me how to always have a smile on my face and be happy about everything that is going on around me. Thanks, Mom and Dad!!!
I was in the Temple the other day and this thought about our family came to mind:
We cannot falter! We cannot budge! We are too far into this race, and the Lord is coming soon! We need to press on and we need to be one as a family. If we are not one, we are not His. Let us "lie unto the Lord when we sleep and rise with him in the morning thanking him for what he has done for us...and if we do these things, he will lift us up at the last day." (Alma 37:37)
Elder Hair