Monday, September 26, 2011

Square Toast Bacon Burger

Hello all,

The power was out in Kumasi this week. I am very grateful for your email. I love you and am thankful for your thoughts and prayers on my behalf. We are teaching a mother right now who reminds me a lot of you, Mom. We have baptized one of her girls and are now working with the other, then the boy and hopefully her. She makes me laugh when she tries to speak English and we all laugh along with her. It reminds me of how you would try to use the slang that I would use in High School like the word "poser." I love you, Mom and hope that you will not change.

What I would do for a cherry limeade right now with the special ice and a square toast bacon burger. I guess I can wait though. haha
I am so excited for Chan and Dev. Can I call her that, or is that one reserved for Chandler only. I would love to get their picture.

Amanda, I am very proud of you and know you will do great in the play. About 20 primary kids come to Church, and about 8 youth between 12-17 that I teach every week. This week we talked about the Millennium and they really loved it. The questions they asked were amazing. There are things the youth will ask that the adults won't even think of. I think it is important to learn from them. Jesus Christ taught us to become like little children. Keep working hard and enjoy your school play.

Two of the people that we had planned to baptize have decided they want to go to Church a little more so that they can truly know that this is what they need to do. On Oct 1st, we hope to have Erica, Dorris, Emmanuel, Mommy Frema, Vera, Julie, Evans, Acose, and Elizabeth, take that necessary step toward the Lord's Kingdom by entering the waters of baptism.

Before I began studying the Old Testament, I read the Book of Mormon again focusing on the number of times it mentions or talks about the Savior. It was amazing how much I was able to learn. I marked all of the places that talked about Christ, and the words remember, and repent. While E. Omini and I served together for 8 months, we noticed how often people would use scriptures from the Old Testament, so I have not been just reading it, but really trying to understand it. We felt that our knowledge of the New Testament and the Book of Mormon, along with our testimony, led us to the success we had in Fiapre. This Sat, our old unit will be made into a branch! Since leaving Fiapre, I have been able to read, study, cross-reference, and gain understanding how Jesus truly was the God of the Old Testament. I have gained a greater knowledge of the standard works as I have studied the Old Testament. The BOM and NT are the most important, and they are what we should be using. When we teach, we mainly use the NT, but there are times we refer to the OT as well. Sometimes we have to use it to help them first understand who Jehovah is, about tithes, and about the fall before someone has gained a true testimony of the BOM. I have been using what I study every day. Proverbs has become one of my favorite books of the OT along with Isaiah 40-45. I will be done with the OT in like 2 weeks and then it will be on to the NT again.
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A senior couple working with Spencer sent us a short email:

. . ."we attended district meeting he conducted last week and your elder gave the most inspiring instruction and testimony on the atonement, using brother mckonkie as his support, that I have ever heard. Not a dry eye in the audience and the spirit was powerful. You can be proud of this young elder serving faithfully under some very tough conditions. He is doing great and growing in every way. We will hate to lose him back to America.

God bless you and your family while you have sacrificed for the cause we all believe in.

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