Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Sweet Opportunity!

Dear Fam,

Elder Adams and I really enjoy every minute of this work. Often it feels overwhelming but amazing at the same time. I learn so much from the office couple and Pres and Sis Shulz. They are truly teaching us how to be better missionaries and better people in the future.

A man named Adzia Mensah, who Elder Adams and Elder Tadeo baptized about 8 months ago, is very active in the Church and in the community. He is like the right hand man to the Chief of his area in Cape Coast.

When there is a problem, people go to him, and if he is not able to resolve it, they take it to the chief, which they say doesn't happen very often. The people love and respect Bro Mensah. He has a great wife and 5 children, ages 2-23. They are a sweet family, BUT only Bro Mensah is a member. Sweet opportunity..... I think so!!!!!!!!! We have begun teaching the 21, 19, and 14 year old. The 7 year old comes to church with Bro Mensah every week. We're improving our relationship with his family and I know they will be baptized soon. Bro Mensah has been to the temple, and knows the church is true. They will make a powerful family in this area that loves the Lord and this restored gospel.

We are now busy with some specialized training for each zone, focusing on Area Books, accountability, and going about doing good. The President is really stressing accountability to Heavenly Father in our prayers, to our companions in comp study, and to ourselves every minute of the day. This is something that I am really going to try and implement in my life. If we as missionaries are heading back to our apartment for the day, but have not talked to enough people, then we need to go for a little bit longer. In companionship study, we need to pray for our investigators by name, and specifically discuss ways to help each one.

I love you guys!

Elder Hair

P.S. MOM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I never doubted that you could win an award like that.

AMANDA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Your the greatest, keep me posted.

1 comment:

Mitchell Garrett Adams said...

This is Elder Adams mom, Sister Hair could you please e-mail me at