Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Happy Birthday, Mom!

I sent a small birthday present with Elder Fairbanks. He will drop it off at Grandpa Al and Grandma Junes house. Mom, I want you to use some of what I am sending, and can give the rest to Amanda. OHHHH ENJOY!!!

As I write this, I'm wearing a sweaty jersey with my name in Twi on the back. We just finished some promising missionary work with a baptist pastor from the US. He and his wife are here for some time and he invited us to play football (soccer) with his team. We had a blast and have a lesson scheduled with him to talk about the Church.

Elder Fairbanks just went home so his comp got transferred just down the road. Elder Saili and I are going to enjoy all of the new investigators that they left with us. We have already met many of them and are very excited to teach them. Prayer has become the backbone of our teaching. With the new training program that is going on, I will probably only be with Elder Saili for one or two transfers and then he will begin training the next missionaries that are coming in. Elder Saili and I are amazed how the Lord has has helped us with creative and fun ways to help/teach with confidence. Elder Saili knows a lot and his straightforward testimony is powerful. It makes me happy to see him progress as a new missionary each and every day.

Dad, I'm glad you got a chance to talk to Stanford. He is a good guy and I knew he would make a great missionary. Is he in Illinois or Missouri?

I will be going with a few of my MTC mates golfing. Ya, golfing in Ghana, I know!! Sweet right. haha There is a well inside our compound that's not very deep. We have some kids that always come and play and collect water for their baths and cooking etc. I got inside the well as they were coming for water and as the kids opened it to fetch some, I scared them so bad. Everyone was laughing so hard.

When will you leave for Utah and Chandler and Devrey's wedding? Please send me pics and all that jazz. I love you all and will continue to be the missionary in the GCCM that you know I should be. Obedience is much easier then disobedience. It is amazing at how missionaries that figure that out become the best in the mission. Man, I love this mission. I really love my study of the New Testament. I feel good about what is going on right now and there are many things that I get excited about. I continue to get motivational letters weekly through Dear Elder and am very grateful for the thoughts and prayers for me. OK, I got to go.

I love you all and love hearing from you.

Elder Hair

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