Monday, February 20, 2012

New Ghana Mission!

It is incredible how much the Lord has answered my prayers. I cannot describe how happy I am right now. I love the gospel of Jesus Christ and am having experiences that I will never forget.

We are very excited about the announcement of a third mission in Ghana, and the continued growth of the Church is this area. We will have the Ghana Accra Mission, the Ghana Cape Coast Mission, and the new Ghana Kumasi Mission which will include a small part of the Accra Mission. The new mission president will be coming in July. Right now, the mission is really too big for Pres and Sis Shulz to travel up and down to be able to accomplish all of the needed training, not just for the missionaries, but also for all of the new branches and wards, where there is still a lot of emphasis on following the prophet's counsel to study and apply the Church handbook of instructions.

The fellowshipping of investigators is something our members as a whole struggle with. It seems like we as missionaries do most of the fellowshipping to get an investigator to come to Church and stay. When the missionaries leave the area, or go back home, some of the investigators don't come back as often, because they feel they don't have friends in the church, or they do not have a strong enough testimony of the Savior.

Elder Marimira and I have had some cool experiences together. We are helping a man prepare for the Temple. He is traveling to his home town on Saturday to do some family history research before he attends the following Tues and Wed. It has been a lot of fun to see him get so excited about going, and recognize the importance of the temple. Right now, we are on our way to visit one of the very first members baptized in Ghana. Bro Ewuzie met President Hinckley on his travels with Billy Johnson and a few others who waited with great faith for many years for the gospel message to come to Africa.

Amanda, when we were stopped at a police checkpoint the other day, I showed him my license and also a picture of you. I told him in Fante how much I love my little sister, and he laughed and looked back at the other guards telling them that the Latter-day Saints are different. He didn't think I understood him, so it was funny. I believe they see the difference in us as we talk about, and focus so much on our families and the gospel.

Thank you for the package, Mom! It arrived on Friday, and was wonderful. I love ya and happy late valentines day. Have Dad give you a big kiss for me.

This week's schedule is packed as we prepare for the arrival of a new missionary couple, and the Mission Tour with Elder John B. Dickson of the West Africa Area Presidency. We are going to be busy!!

A P-day full of angry crocs and 300' swinging crazy heights!!

I love you all!

Your favorite son (on a mission),


Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Lost 8 --- Gained 8

Lots of firsts for me this week. My first time having to really know where I'm going in this crazy driving place, the first time I've had to drive all the time without having a break, and the first time crying when my companion left.

This transfer actually went rather smoothly. We took the departing Elders to the Temple on Tuesday. It was a really powerful session. I didn't have to go to the airport. Elder Adams handled that for himself and the departing missionaries.

Elder Marimira and I headed to the MTC to meet with the new Elders. I really liked getting there early. They have so many questions and I always feel like we never have enough time to answer them. We lost eight great Elders, but we gained eight new ones.

We have been teaching in our own area as often as we can while preparing for the next Zone council on Wednesday. Sometimes it feels like there is just too much to do. I enjoy working with the president, and the opportunity to learn from him and others, but there are some days I come home so tired that I lay down just for a second and I'm out cold without even taking time to undress. Other times, I shower and brush my teeth, but then I kneel down to pray and I
fall asleep.

Amanda, that story was incredible! Elder Marimira and I talked about how we can incorporate it into our missionary work. You're the best sister a guy could ever have, and I don't think there is a day that goes by that I do not mention you or show a picture of you to someone. I admire you for your hard work in everything you do.

I know the Lord loves the missionaries. This is a great place to humble ourselves and go to work. God's prophet really does speak to us today and I get excited every time we get the chance to soak up his words. I love you all and hope you have a good week.

Elder Hair

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

We will miss Elder Adams!


My new companion will be Elder Marimira, from Zimbabwe.

We will only serve together for one transfer before he goes home. He's been a wonderful trainer and Zone Leader. I really look forward to teaching with this experienced and loving missionary who will sprint to the finish.

As Elder Adams prepares to go home, we talk about the good times we've had together. After 10 months in this area, E. Adams has many good friends in the branch. Sunday, we went to visit a part member family. For the past 6 years the wife has had problems with her lungs and just in the past few months it has gotten really serious. She didn't want us to come and give her a blessing for a while, then finally told the husband to call us. We talked with her about the priesthood and about how it would be according to her faith that she will recover. E. Adams gave her one of the most heartfelt and spirit led blessings I have ever heard. I will miss this guy and I will pray for his success when he gets home.

This transfer we will pick up 8 new missionaries from the MTC in Accra.

1 from Fiji, 1 from Hawaii, and the rest from Utah and Idaho. While in Accra, I will get to go to the temple and even better, I will be able to participate in a sealing for one of Elder Adams recent converts and his new wife, who have both become good friends of mine.

Amanda, I am very happy for you and your new assignment in the Beehives. I hope everything is going well with the musical.

Love you all!