Thank you very much for your letter. This past week or two while we've been teaching, people have been asking/telling Elder Omini about the conflict in Nigeria and he has been very defensive about it and keeps insisting that his country runs under a democratic system, and that nothing is wrong. A few days ago, he and I talked a little about it and he just said that he hopes nothing is going on, and that when he calls home for Mothers day he will talk more to his Dad and Mom about it. I decided to let him read the information you sent cause if something was happening in my country, I would want to know. He was thankful to read it and just wants to know about his specific state which is Calabar and maybe even Legos. Thanks so much again for sending those updates.
Well, Easter was actually a dud!!! We had two, not very serious members, both young men and then two random children at Church. Elder Alba spoke about the Atonement, and I spoke about the Savior's life. It went very well, but half way through the sacrament, the power went out, not an uncommon thing, but just at a very unfortunate time. We had planned to watch the Testaments which teaches of the Book of Mormon and the Bible, and talks about the Savior, His coming, His suffering and His death. It was pretty disappointing; (1) because we had a bunch of investigators that we invited that either bailed out the day before or the morning of, (2) the power went out and (3) it came back 10 min after Church was over so those members that were there, didn't have as much of an opportunity to strengthen their testimony.
The members said the temple trip was amazing. We were not allowed to go with them to the temple because it is not in our mission. That was a rule given by the area seventy because of the un-fairness to other bordering missions. Please tell everyone thank you for their contributions.
Elder Omini LOVED his soccer jersey so much and we made a bunch of no bake cookies and got some homemade ice cream that one of our investigators knew how to make. He said it was the best birthday he had ever had.
Well, I hope and pray that everything is going well with my favorite sister, Amanda, and the amazing parents that raised her. Keep me posted on the boys.
It has not been easy to prepare, let alone find an entire family to baptize for our mission goal that ends on the 26th of June when Pres and Sis Sabey leave. I have never relied on the Lord more, and these next 8 weeks or so will test my faith in Him more than at any other time in my life. Selfishly, I want more then anything to leave Pres Sabey with our best work. Like Julius Campbell said in Remember the Titans, "Coach (God) this whole season (mission) you have demanded perfection from us, and up to now we have been perfect, because we have not lost. With all due respect...if its ok with you Coach Boone, we (GCCM Missionaries) would like to keep it that way."
"I will not move from this very spot until I have figured out what I need to do." (Pres Brigham Young, Mountain of the Lord) Shall we not go on is so great a cause!!!! I love my mission and can't imagine not serving a mission! Keep the faith and we will baptize an entire family. Keep the faith and anything is possible... I love you all and can't wait until Mothers Day.
Elder Hair