Thank you for the updates from General Conference and the encouraging words. Elder Omini is doing very well and was very excited for the info on the election in Nigeria. As I finish my 3rd transfer with him I have come to love him more than anything.
Thanks for the photos. Dad you're looking younger and Amanda you're looking older. For you, Dad it must be because I'm no longer there to give you any hair pulling hassles, and Amanda, it must be because I am no longer there to wrestle with you and make you smaller by twisting you into a pretzel. haha Good pics, please send more.
Man, I love Ghana. Time is flying! I am loving the work and becoming very attached to the people in Fiapre. They are now very familiar with us, so they are very friendly now that they know we are going to stay.
Mom, thank you for preparing another package. I would love some swedish fish, skittles, or starburst, and maybe some of those small drink mix powders. Missionaries here use those to change up the whole drinking water every day thing. And most important, pictures from anyone would be great! Wati? Mati.
I love you all. Thank you for everything.
Elder Hair
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