Tuesday, November 1, 2011

The Spirit Testifies

Hey All,

That is exciting about both Kenny and Joseph. If you see them or any of their family please let them know how much this experience will strengthen their testimony, their character, and their whole life overall. If all new missionaries will listen to their trainers and be obedient, it would be much easier. I have noticed so many things just by simply watching the missionaries around me.

This week we broke through a barrier that I thought would not happen for a long time. Do you remember me writing about Jenna and Erica, the two sisters who were recently baptized? Well, their mother has heard a lot of negative things about the Church and has been avoiding us when it comes to teaching her. She loves us as people, even cooks for us sometimes. Well... this past week we were able to just simply answer questions from her as they came. I shared a brief outline of our basic beliefs---The Book of Mormon, the name of the Church, Joseph Smith and the Restoration, and then I closed with my testimony that families can be together forever. When we invited her to Church, she told us with her heart of gold that we should just give her time. We'll give her two more lessons and another invite before the Spirit kicks in so much that it will no longer be us teaching, but Him.

As I finished Mark and began Luke in my personal study time, I recognized again through my prayers that the scriptures teach us truth. I'm very grateful for the New Testament, and the fullness of the everlasting gospel found in the Book of Mormon!

Well, I loved the picture and I hope that you enjoyed the ones that I sent. Mom, you look great! Amanda, you're almost as tall as Mom!

Time is not my side today and the internet is really slow. I love you all and think about you often.

Love Elder Hair

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