Monday, January 2, 2012

Life is Wonderful

Life in the mission field is wonderful and has been exciting this past week. We have been working with some less actives, and trying to help two new missionaries in our branch find their way around the area. E. Adams and I are on the road 2-3 days out of the week, so two new missionaries are now working with us to really help our local branch flourish.

We went to Accra on Tues morning with Pres Shulz and his wife and had a chance to get an A&W Rootbeer! It has been as long time! We spent the night at the MTC and then took the new missionaries the next morning back to Cape Coast. I drove the mission van which is like a tro tro, but a lot nicer. The traffic was terrible, but I'm getting better on the clutch.
The rest of the week went well and we had some pretty good lessons. Elder Adams goes home in 5 weeks yet he's still pushing me. I have always admired him as a missionary and wished from the day we met, a week after I got here, that I could be companions with him. It will be sad to see him go. There are so many things I will have to learn to fill his shoes. Pres Shulz has a lot of trust in him and I hope that I too can continue to gain that needed trust while I am serving with him.Our church is like a mirror. When the apostasy came, it broke into a thousand different pieces and now we have thousands of different churches. All have parts of the truth where they are able to see part of themselves, but not the whole thing. They can feel the spirit, but not the full power of it, they can see God's hand in their lives, but not forever..... This church is true, we have the full spirit and Gospel. If not led astray, will be able to receive the eternal blessings that everyone so desperately searches for. The Lord will continue to bless us as we continue to give him the chance.

I have learned that there are times when you need to be outspoken. As missionaries, we must re-focus and remember why we gave two years of our life and money to serve. This is a two year, fully devoted service to the Lord and his teachings/Atonement. Shame on anyone who may think he can mock the Atonement of the Lord and Savior by not working as hard as he can while on their mission. When missionaries have a rule that they have a hard time with, they work on it, and if they mess up along the way, they must work on it again.

Thank you for your support!


Elder Osajefo Akwesi Enwii

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